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"Jpgfdraw a vector graphics application written in Java."
indir.biz Editor: Jpgfdraw a vector graphics application written in Java. Jpgfdraw you can use:
Construct lines, movements and shapes using a cubic Bezier segments
Edit control points that define
combine text and bitmap images, description and background effects () for
Extract the changing shapes TeX's \ parshape parameters for the command \ shapepar (Donald Arseneau's shapepar package is defined)
Construct frames for use with flowfram package (eg, posters and newspaper See example.)
Pictures can be saved Jpgfdraw natural JDR (binary) or (ascii) file format or exported as AJR: LaTeX document for use in
pgfpicture environment (Till Tantau's package PGF) and
LaTeX2e package based flowfram package.
PNG raster graphics image
scalable vector graphics () image svg (version 0.18b of Jpgfdraw.)
encapsulated postscript file (from version 0.32b) can now download free Jpgfdraw 0.5.2b.

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